The sand wedge is a common golf club in the golf bag.
When you walk around the golf course, you are going to notice sand traps all over the place. These are normal and something you should expect when golfing.
However, what happens when the golf ball goes into a sand trap?
You will need to play with a sand wedge. This includes learning more about the sand wedge golf club and how it works.
What degree is a sand wedge?
A sand wedge is a 54-58 degree golf club. Some golfers will call it a 56-degree wedge while others will go with the street name, which is “sand wedge.” It’s common for golfers to use this golf wedge on softer surfaces including sand.
Playing with a sand wedge includes understanding the sand wedge angle. When you are aware of the sand wedge loft degree, you will get a better idea of how it’s going to be useful out in the open.
This guide will take a look at the sand wedge loft angle, how to use a sand wedge for golfing, and when to not use a sand wedge.
What Degree Is A Sand Wedge?
A sand wedge has a loft degree of 54 to 58. It is commonly called a 56-degree wedge and is used on softer surfaces including sand. It is an ideal golf club for softer surfaces because it provides bounce making it easier to scoop the golf ball out.
The degrees of a sand wedge is what make it easier to hit the golf ball on a surface such as this.
Using a sand wedge in a sand trap is the right option.
The design of a sand wedge is what allows it to be a prominent option for modern golfers in sand traps or on softer surfaces.
What Is A Sand Wedge Degree?
The sand wedge degree refers to the angle between the ground and the club face. To test this, press the bottom of the sand wedge against the grass and see the angle or gap it creates. The measurement for this gap is known as the loft angle.
For the sand wedge, this would be 54-58 degrees.
How To Use A Sand Wedge
1. Focus On The Sand Wedge Bounce
If you want to play with a sand wedge in golf, you are going to have to account for the bounce of a sand wedge.
This is going to let you hit the sand wedge further.
In general, the bounce of a sand wedge is going to allow you to work out of a sand trap. It is going to disturb the sand and then give the golf ball enough of a surface to pop out of the sand trap once impact is made.
There is still a lot of skill required to hit a golf ball in this type of situation but it will go where you want it to as long as you time it properly.

2. Scoop Don’t Push
Unless you are using an illegal spin wedge, you are not going to push a golf ball out of the sand and get it to go where you want.
If you are not using a golf wedge on the green, you are going to be using it in a sand trap.
What does this mean?
It means you need to learn how to scoop the golf ball out with a sand wedge. This does not mean putting the golf wedge right under the ball but making sure you are completing a down and up action on the shot.
This is unlike a technique you are going to use when employing other types of golf wedges.
3. Maintain A Fast Downswing
When it comes to getting a good distance with a golf wedge, you will want to understand the power of a good downswing.
This is how you are going to get the golf ball out of the sand trap to where you want it to go.
There is a lot of work that’s required when you are swinging the golf club.
This includes a quicker downswing that is going to help complete the scooping process with the sand wedge.
When To Not Use A Sand Wedge
1. Hard Surfaces
It is not recommended to use a sand wedge on a hard surface.
For example, you are not going to take out the sand wedge on the fairway. First of all, it’s not going to let you hit the golf ball as far as you want and it’s not going to be easy to control when you do play a shot.
If you are unsure about this, try using a sand wedge on the fairway.
You will quickly realize this is not a good idea!
A hard surface is not where the sand wedge should be used as it has too much bounce.
2. Distance Shots
This is another situation where you are not going to want to play with sand wedges.
Sand wedges in golf are not a good option for distance shots. For the most part, you are going to remain within 80-100 yards when playing with a sand wedge and this is assuming you time it properly.
A lot of golfers take time to master how to use a sand wedge.
This means you are not going to get distance on your sand wedge shots and that renders it useless for what you are doing on a golf course.

Is A 60-Degree Wedge A Sand Wedge?
No, a 60-degree wedge is not a sand wedge. This is referred to as a lob wedge and has a specific distinction when it comes to types of golf wedges. This golf wedge is used for different purposes on a golf course.
Can A 52 Degree Wedge Be A Sand Wedge?
No, a 52-degree wedge is not a sand wedge. This is referred to as a gap wedge or approach wedge. It is commonly seen being used in a fairway bunker.
Is A Sand Wedge And A 56-Degree Wedge The Same?
Yes, a sand wedge and a 56-degree wedge are the same thing. These are two different names for the same golf club. This type of golf wedge is used on softer surfaces including sand traps.
How Many Yards Should A 56 Degree Wedge Go?
A 56-degree wedge or sand wedge should go approximately 60-80 yards for a beginner. In comparison, a pro golfer can hit a sand wedge for 115-120 yards depending on the surface and placement of the golf ball.
Final Thoughts
What degree is a sand wedge?
A sand wedge is 54-58 degrees and is commonly used on softer surfaces. It gets its name from being used in sand traps as it works in getting the right loft angle to push out the sand.
The average golfer will hit the sand wedge for around 80 yards. Professionals can add 20 yards or more to the same shot.