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Rory Mcllroy Driving Distance (Stats And How He Does It)

When it comes to the average driving distance in the PGA, it’s all about comparing golfers to others as that offers more insight into how effective a golfer is.

Rory Mcllroy is one of the elite golfers on the planet and continues to stand out due to his ability to drive the golf ball a fair distance.

It’s important to look at Rory Mcllroy’s driving distance by year to learn more about what makes him special. This includes Rory Mcllroy’s average driving distance.

Rory Mcllroy’s driving distance on average is around 326.6 yards. He has ranked #1 for the longest driving distance in the PGA multiple times (2017 and 2018) while remaining in the top 5 for other years.

He has long been appreciated as one of the longest hitters in golf and that is what allows his game to shine.

This guide is going to look at the main Rory Mcllroy driving distance stats on tour along with how Rory Mcllroy hits the ball far.

Rory McIlroy Driving Distance Stats

1. PGA Tour

Year of CompetitionDriving Distance
When it comes to Rory Mcllroy’s PGA tour driving distance, he has produced elite numbers. He has ranked at the top of the tour multiple seasons in 2017 and 2018 while also remaining in the top 5 for several seasons.

He is known as the PGA driving distance leader across the board due to his consistent performances.

2. European Tour

Year of CompetitionDriving Distance
Rory Mcllroy has also done well when it comes to the European tour driving distances in golf.

He is not only someone that has done well on the PGA tour but also is well-regarded as a consistent hitter in all situations. This ensures he has the longest driving distances on the European tour for several seasons too.

How Does Rory Mcllroy Drive The Golf Ball

1. Smooth Golf Swing

When looking at golfers with the longest driving distance on the tour, it is also important to understand what allows them to hit these numbers.

You don’t just wake up one day and begin driving the golf ball like Rory Mcllroy.

Instead, it is about refining your golf swing and understanding where the issues are during those initial days. Rory Mcllroy has a powerful golf swing that is then amplified with the use of a high-grade golf driver.

He is well-regarded for having a smooth golf swing that allows him to generate enough power to drive the golf ball a long distance.

Rory Mcllroy hits the golf ball a fair distance and that is what allows him to stand out.

2. Custom Golf Club

You will also want to take the time to understand what type of golf club you are using as time goes on.

Rory Mcllroy uses a 44″ golf driver that is set at the right height for him to make sure he can swing the golf club smoothly. This is what allows him to produce enough power and still hit the sweet spot of the golf club.

It has taken him time to find the right golf club but the one he uses now helps generate quite a bit of power and accuracy.

3. Good Weight Distribution During His Swing

When looking at Rory Mcllroy’s driving distance by year, you will begin to appreciate how consistent he is with his results.

It is not just a one-off phenomenon with the golf pro.

Instead, he continues to do this year in and year out because of the good weight distribution in his swing. This is what makes it repeatable and ensures he shines when others don’t.

When understanding how far Rory Mcllroy’s carries a driver, it is essential to look at his weight distribution during a golf swing. It’s immaculate and a big reason for him doing so well in different conditions.

rory mcilroy driving distance

How Long Is Rory McIlroy’s Driver?

Rory Mcllroy’s driver is measured at 44 inches. At the beginning of his career, he was using a slightly longer driver that was measured at 44.5 inches but then he had it customized to remove 0.5 inches and make it more compact.

How Far Does Rory McIlroy Hit A 7 Iron?

Rory Mcllroy can hit a 7-iron 192 yards. This is an elite-level swing and he continues to hit the golf ball a long way with all of his golf clubs. He is renowned for having both power and accuracy behind his swing.

What Is Rory Mcllroy’s Longest Recorded Drive?

Rory Mcllroy’s longest record drive took place at the WGC-Bridgestone in 2018. He managed to drive the ball a remarkable 420 yards.

He has also crossed the 400-yard mark on several different occasions.

This includes hitting the ball 412 and 410 yards at the WGC Mexico or 409 yards at the WGC-Bridgestone.

He is well-regarded for having these performances where has managed to drive a golf ball a considerable distance.

This illustrates Rory Mcllroy’s longest drive has been exceptional and something any professional would be happy with.

Final Thoughts

These are the key details to remember when it comes to Rory Mcllroy’s driving distance.

Rory Mcllroy’s driving distance is among the best in the world. He averages 326.6 yards across his career when it comes to his overall driving distance. He has also managed to top the PGA tour for multiple seasons in 2017 and 2018 while remaining in the top five for the other seasons.

When it comes to hitting with a golf driver, Rory McIlroy is among the best in the business. His golf swing speed is impressive along with how he times a golf ball.