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What Do You Do At A Driving Range In Golf? (Tips, Tricks, Drills)

Going to the driving range as a golfer is smart.

It’s a great way to improve your golf swing, get a few drills in, and also simply put in the time necessary to become a more knowledgeable golfer.

While the driving range is good for golfers, it’s also important to go in with a plan. This includes asking, what do you do at a driving range in golf?

The driving range in golf is designed to act as a place to practice. Golfers keep a bucket of golf balls nearby and go through a selection of golf shots and drills to optimize their swing. This also includes testing different golf swings and golf clubs.

It’s important to note that going to a driving range is not just about one thing. It’s about getting a workout in as a golfer and ensuring you are learning more about your game while making improvements.

This guide will take a look at what you should do at a driving range, good driving range golf drills, and the benefits of going to a driving range.

What Is A Driving Range In Golf?

A driving range in golf is designed to act as a place to practice for golfers. The average golfer will have access to a bucket of golf balls and can work through golf drills using different golf swings and clubs to improve their game.

The advantages of a driving range in golf are aplenty.

You will want to incorporate this into your game and make the most of it.

What do you do at a driving range in golf

What Do You Do At A Driving Range In Golf?

A driving range in golf is a place to practice for golfers. It provides access to relevant in-game settings a golfer would face. Golfers will often take a bucket full of golf balls to the driving range and go through a wide array of golf drills.

Each golfer will do something different at a golf driving range.

Some golfers will work on their putting at a driving range while others are going to tee-off at the driving range.

The main point is to go to the driving range to practice as a golfer.

Benefits Of A Driving Range In Golf

1. More Time To Practice

One of the porous of a driving range for golfers is the amount of time you’re going to get to practice.

You can practice at a driving range while learning more about how to play a golf shot in different conditions. These are scenarios you might face during a match and it’s important to be prepared for it.

Just like most things in life, practice makes perfect.

Taking out your driving range clubs and beginning to work on your golf game is a major plus. You will get better at hitting the golf ball and optimizing your strategy.

2. Improves Coordination And Muscle Memory

When learning how to use the driving range as a golfer, you will want to appreciate how practice is going to help with your coordination.

Golfing is a lot about hand-eye coordination.

If you hit a golf ball off-center, it’s going to change your game completely. This is what you will want to avoid at all costs to make sure you are appreciating the finer details of being a golfer.

Going to the driving range is also ideal for improving your muscle memory. Your hands will get used to specific shots in specific conditions. These are things you don’t get to practice a lot on the golf course.

3. Helps With The Short Game

When you are working through a driving range session, it’s never a bad idea to focus on a bit of your short game too.

Most golfers are going to spend time hitting the long ball in an attempt to work on their golf swing. Yes, this is important but you will also want to focus on the short game to work out some of the underlying issues in your technique.

The driving range is going to have space for you to work on this and it’s good to spend time there.

What do you do at a driving range in golf

4. Good For Having Fun

Sometimes, the most important advantage of a driving range for golfers comes down to having fun.

You will want to be entertained and that is going to happen when you are going to the driving range. Whether you are going alone or with your buddies, it is always fun to hang out at the driving range.

You can work on your game and also interact with others at the driving range. There is a lot for you to do when you are there.

Some will go for a few minutes and others will go for a few hours. This customization is what makes it fun.

This is not the same as going to Topgolf for a golfing session but it is fun in its own way.

5. Helps Try Out Your Golf Clubs

You are going to want to give the new golf clubs a spin.

If you are someone that is selecting between different golf irons and want to find out more about which one is good, it’s important to practice golf shots with each golf club.

Even if you are using older golf clubs, you should still learn more about the finer details of how to use each type of golf club.

Some golfers will not get enough practice with specific golf clubs and that can lead to frustrating results on the golf course in real-match situations.

Cons Of A Driving Range In Golf

1. Lack Of Pressure

One of the disadvantages of a driving range in golf would be the lack of pressure.

As you are implementing driving range advice, you will want to work on your game for specific scenarios. This could be hitting the long ball or working on your short game.

Whatever the golfing situation is, you are going to notice a lack of pressure and that’s the last thing you are going to want as a golfer.

It is hard to recreate real-match pressure but you can set personal targets to help create that pressure on your own.

What do you do at a driving range in golf

2. Can Develop Bad Habits

As you focus on the negatives of going to a driving range for golfing, you will realize it can lead to bad habits if you are unfocused.

Don’t assume going for a driving range session is enough.

You need to be purposeful with what you are doing. This includes the driving range golf drills you are running and how you plan each minute out.

Otherwise, you are going to develop bad habits due to the lack of pressure.

Driving Range Tips For Beginners

1. Go With A Plan

When it comes to tips for the driving range as a golfer, you will need to go in with a proper plan.

What is the driving range plan going to include?

You will want to consider what golf drills at the driving range are effective. You will also want to take the time to figure out what has to be worked on to improve your game.

Some will want to work on their short game while others are going to desire to work on their long game.

As long as you have a plan at the driving range, you are going to see better results. A driving range practice plan will make a real difference.

2. Go Through Golf Drills

Driving range golfing also means going through specialized golf drills.

Drills for the driving range can include a myriad of things depending on what you are hoping to work on with your technique.

Are you blocking drives as a golfer all the time? Why not take the time to use your golf iron to hit the long ball and work on eradicating this from your golf swing?

A lot of people get surprised when they see improvements quickly by working on golf drills at the driving range.

3. Keep The Golf Balls Ready

You should always have a bucket full of golf balls ready at the driving range.

This is what most golfers will do.

It is going to let you spend each minute hitting the golf ball and simply working on the finer details of your swing.

Going to the driving range as a beginner will always come down to these details. If you are well-prepared, you are going to have a lot more fun at the driving range and you will get more out of the session too.

4. Don’t Rush

It’s important to go in with a plan.

This means you don’t want to rush when you are at the driving range. Driving range golfers often make this mistake because they have a bucket full of golf balls and they simply want to get through them as soon as possible.

This rushed approach is not going to help you with your technique.

Take a deep breath and work on your golf swing. Take your time while doing this and you will get more out of the session at the driving range.

Driving Range Etiquette

There is an etiquette for the driving range.

You will want to be aware of the driving range rules and follow them. This is going to make you a better golfer and you will also ensure others are happy with you being there at the driving range.

What are some of these driving range regulations?

These can include:

  • Aim In A Straight Line
  • Don’t Ruin The Grass With Large Divots
  • Use Headphones Not Loudspeakers
  • Don’t Hog The Spot
  • Don’t Target The Workers
  • Remain Inside The Ropes

These are good driving range rules to follow. You are going to be appreciated by the staff and fellow golfers alike.

Driving Range Vs Golf Course

When comparing a driving range to a golf course, it starts with targeted practice sessions. At a driving range, you will receive a bucket of golf balls and you will hit them at specific targets or distances.

On the other hand, at a golf course, you can work in different conditions and have a more detailed practice session.

When comparing a golf course vs a driving range, it is important to consider how your golf skills are being improved. Both locations serve a purpose.

The driving range allows you to optimize your distance shots, while a golf course will allow you to work out of the rough or the finer details of hitting a golf ball properly.

Driving Range Golf Drills

1. Distance Hitting

When using a driving range to improve your game, it’s best to accommodate distance hitting.

What is distance hitting at a driving range?

The aim here is to have specific distance targets. You will want to aim at those distances with 10-ball sets. This means hitting ten balls to the same distance and then moving onto the next distance target.

You will do this until the drill is over and all of the targets have been hit at.

This golf drill works well at a driving range because it allows you to quickly go after the various distances while adjusting your golf swing.

2. Two-Shot Drill

When putting together a golf range session plan, you will want to consider moving forward with what is known as a two-shot drill.

The aim here is to hit two shots one after the other.

When the shots land, you are going to compare them. Look at the one closer to the hole and then repeat the same swing to get closer.

Every two shots, you are going to see how close to the target you can get until you can’t go any closer.

This is a great drill for the golf range because it will lead to a more repeatable golf swing as time goes on.

What do you do at a driving range in golf

3. Hitting Circuit

For your golf range practice plan, you will want to consider a circuit.

This type of circuit is going to look at moving through all of the golf clubs one after the other. You will want to use all of them in sync to learn how adjustments need to be made on the fly.

Sometimes, you will keep using the same golf club at the range and it will lead to monotony.

Don’t do this and change things up when you are golfing at the golf range.

Can You Get Better At Golf At The Driving Range?

Yes, you can get better at golf at the driving range. The driving range allows golfers to work on improving their swing, testing different golf clubs, and building muscle memory by playing multiple shots in one session.

It is highly recommended to learn how to golf at a driving range because it will make a noticeable difference in your overall game.

How Do You Swing A Club At A Driving Range?

To swing a club at a driving range, it’s important to consider it to be a real-game situation. This means you will aim at the target and swing freely. Please note that it is never a good idea to cross-hit, which means going after a target that is off to the side.

Aim forward as that is going to be in line with the golf range etiquette that’s in place.

This is an important detail to think about when putting together a driving range routine for beginners. You never want to cross-hit.

How Do You Hit Far At A Driving Range?

To hit far at a driving range, the aim should be to swing freely. This means using the right golf club, aiming at the target, and swinging with 100% power. This will allow the ball to travel to its fullest potential.

The best driving range routine will go through a wide array of golf clubs and golf swing techniques to refine your process.

Over time, you will learn what works and what does not.

How Many Balls Should I Hit At The Driving Range?

It is recommended to hit at least 50-100 golf balls at the driving range per session. Most driving ranges will provide a bucketful of golf balls and it’s ideal to clear them before the session at the golf range concludes.

Do Driving Ranges Provide Clubs?

Yes, driving ranges do provide clubs. They will rent golf clubs to all visitors and there will be a set fee that has to be paid to do so.

Final Thoughts

What do you do at a driving range in golf?

The driving range in golf is a specialized area that is designed with targets. Golfers can come and receive a bucketful of golf balls they can hit with their golf clubs at those targets.

This is a common option for those who are trying out new golf clubs or looking to refine their golf swing to make it better.