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Driving Iron Vs 3 Wood (How To Choose The Right Club)

Being an avid golfer means you are going to need to be in tune with your golf clubs.

If you are not carrying the right golf clubs, you are going to regret it on the golf course. Since there is a limit to how many you can carry along with which ones, it is best to make sure you are taking the right golf clubs with you.

Two options you will need to look at will be the driving iron and 3 wood. The comparison of a driving iron vs 3 wood is key.

A driving iron is recommended for flatter surfaces (no roughs) and tends to be far more accurate. On the other hand, a 3 wood is great for power shots and works well in a wide array of situations including out of the rough. It’s best to keep both in the bag, but the 3 wood is more versatile.

Your golf game is going to be reliant on choosing the right golf clubs.

This is why pouring through the benefits and disadvantages of each golf club is a must.

This guide is going to dive deeper into comparing a driving iron to a 3 wood in golf.

What Is A Driving Iron?

A driving iron is a specific golf club designed for golfers needing an accurate option on the fairway. The premise of this type of golf club is to maximize accuracy as it does not put an excessive spin on the ball.

This is a major advantage when it comes to using a driving iron and it tends to stand out as one of the reasons golfers do consider this as a viable option.

What Is A 3 Wood?

A 3 wood is a type of golf club designed for versatile situations where power is required. It offers more force off of a tee or on the fairway. It has a big head and a larger shaft allowing for more force to be generated with a golf swing.

It is common for this to be used for situations where distance is required on a golf shot.

It will help cover more ground with each shot as soon as the 3 wood is taken out. In many situations (including out of the rough), this tends to work well.

Benefits Of A Driving Iron

1. Easy To Control

When it comes to the advantages of a driving iron in golf, it’s important to understand the core purpose of this option.

It is designed to offer a low-spin and controllable option for golfers.

Due to the lack of spin when hitting the golf ball, it is a lot easier to manage its landing. This ensures it does not veer to the right or to the left.

For those who deal with blocking drives in golf, it is common to use this to help further control how the golf ball is hit.

Driving Iron Vs 3 Wood

2. No Veering To The Right Or Left

Along with driver swing speed, it’s also important to consider how the ball moves as soon as it is struck.

Does it go in a straight line?

A driving iron is good for golfers because it does not veer to the right or left as easily. Of course, this does not mean it is 100% infallible, but it does offer a lot more control to those who need it.

Many golfers do prefer to use this in narrow situations where getting the golf ball into a tighter space is required.

The driving iron tends to work well in these situations, especially on the fairway.

Cons Of A Driving Iron

1. Requires A Flatter Surface

When it comes to the disadvantages of a driving iron in golf, it’s important to consider the surface you are going to be playing on.

This can often dictate the shot you play along with the golf club that’s used.

When there is a flatter surface, a driving iron tends to work well. This includes the fairway.

However, it is not as ideal when you are playing out of the rough. It is going to lose a lot of power and that makes it harder to get the golf ball to where you want it to be.

2. Doesn’t Hit Far

Distance is going to be an issue with the driving iron as a golfer.

You might want to cover ground on the golf course but it is not going to happen with the driving iron. The only time you can maximize distance is if you have ample golf swing speed (i.e. 100+ MPH).

Only then are you going to get the golf club to work well when hitting power shots.

In other situations, it is simply not going to work out and you are going to end up being well short of where you want to be.

Benefits Of A 3 Wood

1. Versatile For Different Golfing Situations

When comparing a driving iron to 3 wood, it’s important to understand the core advantages of using 3 wood in golf.

One of the main advantages of 3 wood in golf would be its versatility.

In essence, you can use it out of the rough, off of a tee, or on the fairway. This versatility is priceless for those who are going to be in a variety of situations on the golf course.

You will have a much easier time managing the golf club when you are taking out the 3 wood as a golfer.

Driving Iron Vs 3 Wood

2. Great For Power Shots

It is also important to look at the amount of power a 3 wood will generate.

It is going to deliver ample power.

Whether you are playing out of the rough on the golf course or on the fairway, you will know the 3 wood is going to generate good power.

This allows you to hit further.

It is often possible to add 20+ yards to your shot with the help of a quality 3 wood. If power is what you are looking for as a golfer then you will want to take a peek at what the 3 wood brings to the table.

Cons Of A 3 Wood

1. Less Accurate

When it comes to the disadvantages of 3 wood in golf, you will realize it is not as accurate.

It has a larger head and a longer shaft, which means you lose some of the control you are going to get by being closer to the ball and using less force.

The more force you apply, the further a ball is going to go.

This also means the golf ball is going to begin to veer if it is not hit properly. This is a concern for those who already deal with issues when it comes to their golf swing.

2. Difficult Launch

When comparing a 3 wood to a driving iron in golf, you have to think about the launch too.

Professional golfers will often track their launch to make sure things are done the right way. Unfortunately, this is going to be an issue for those who are not going to be monitoring this detail.

The 3 wood in golf is going to have a difficult launch.

This is not always ideal for those who want to maximize their golf shots.

Driving Iron Vs 3 Wood – Which Club Is Best For You?

When comparing a driving iron to a 3 wood in golf, you are going to want to consider having both in your golf bag.

Why is this the case?

Both types of golf clubs have a purpose in your game. It is recommended to have both so you are going to be able to deal with all sorts of situations that arise out in the open.

Whether you are playing out of the rough or looking to hit a strong shot off of a tee, you will want to have both to choose from.

The driving iron is going to give you great control while the 3 wood gives you ample power.

How To Choose Golf Club Based On Different Situations

Let’s assume you are looking at different situations to use a 3 wood in golf or a driving iron.

What do you look for?

The first detail is going to be the distance you are hoping to cover with the golf club. How far do you want to hit the golf ball?

If you want more distance, you are going to want to bring out the 3 wood. This is going to give you more power due to the larger head.

Are you working in a tighter space on the golf course?

If so, you will want to take out the driving iron.

The beauty of having both is you are going to have more control over what you are doing with each shot.

Does A 2 Iron Go Farther Than A 3 Wood?

No, a 2 iron does not go farther than a 3 wood in golf. Instead, the 3 wood delivers more power and loft allowing it to cover more distance on the golf course.

It’s best to keep both in the golf bag depending on when they are going to be required as a golfer.

It’s common for some situations to dictate the use of a 2 iron in golf. While others are simply going to want more distance, which is when the 3 wood is going to shine.

Should I Hit My 3 Wood Like An Iron?

Yes, you should hit a 3 wood like an iron. The goal is to remain aligned, don’t stand too far from the ball, and attempt to strike it in a straight line. This ensures the ball travels where it should and covers an ample distance.

The 3 wood is known for going further, which means the right golf swing is going to make a difference.

It will allow you to optimize how far the golf ball goes with the 3 wood.

Final Thoughts

Look at these tips when you are figuring out which option is best. Comparing a driving iron vs 3 wood will often come down to these details.

Driving irons are known for being more accurate and easier to control. In comparison, a 3 wood is going to offer more power due to its larger head and tends to work well out of the rough or on uneven surfaces.

It is important to consider these details when choosing between golf clubs.

If you are choosing between a driving iron and a 3 wood, it’s best to look at having both in your golf cart.

They are going to add value to your setup and will also ensure your golf swing is maximized as time goes on.

If you are still unsure, take out the wiffle balls for your golf practice and give each one a turn. This will show you which is the right fit for your golf game.

It’s also recommended to compare a 2 iron with a 3 hybrid when choosing a good golf club.